Spider Curls for Mind-Blowing Biceps – How To, Benefits, Alternatives and More

Spider Curls

What Is a Spider Curl?

The Spider Curl is a bit of an unusual exercise because it’s designed to hit the biceps and forearms from a different angle.

The biceps are built up by using resistance to perform curls, but this time around you’re going to have your arms slightly bent, hanging down towards the ground.

It requires some flexibility so if you feel any discomfort or strain then stop doing them straight away.

Spider Curls Benefits?

Spider Curls are great for building up the forearms and biceps muscles, these are two muscle groups that have a tendency to be forgotten.

This is especially good for those of you who are working out regularly but don’t have defined forearms.

There are many different exercises that can be used to build up the lower arm muscles, but this is one that’s quite unusual and will work your arms from a slightly different angle.

This workout is suitable for both men and women. It can be performed at home or in a gym. There are no special instructions needed, just make sure you maintain good form throughout the motion.

How To Do the Spider Curl?

This is not a curl in the conventional sense – you won’t be moving your arm at all – but instead you’ll be working against your own body weight by curling the bar with just your hands and lower arms.

You’ll need a fixed bar that can stay still as you turn yourself into a human-sized weight attached at the top of it.

Stand on the bar, then reach up and grab hold of it, with your knuckles facing outwards you can use either a thumbless or full grip. Keep your arms straight, but just let them hang towards the ground.

This is where you need to decide how wide apart your feet are going to go for stability purposes, place them shoulder width if they’re wider than that (if not then don’t bother).

Reach down with only your hands and curl the bar upwards until your hand reaches somewhere near your shoulders.

Make sure you twist your fingers around as you will be executing an underhanded grip on this exercise.

Spider Curls Muscles Worked?

The major muscle groups worked are the biceps brachii in your lower arms, plus the forearms. It’s advisable to use wrist straps for this exercise unless you have extremely strong hands.

Spider Curls Workout?

This is a difficult exercise to set up so it may be better suited to home use if needed.

Aim for 3 sets of 10 reps each with 60 seconds rest in between sets, try not to compromise your form at any point during the movement.

Try and perform Spider Curls 2-3 times a week with at least one day in between each workout session.

If you’re doing this for the first time then it’s advisable to use wrist straps rather than relying on your grip strength, if you don’t like using straps then build up slowly until you get used to the exercise.


  • If you can’t lift your hands up off of the bar then use a spotter, if possible, have someone behind you to support your back and keep you from falling backwards just in case!
  • Keep your arms as straight as possible throughout the movement. Going too far past this point will bring unnecessary strain onto your elbow joints – which won’t thank you for it!
  • Avoid any swinging motion at all costs by maintaining a stable base throughout the motion. If necessary, rest 30 seconds between sets so that your muscles can recover.
  • No matter how tired you are don’t let yourself relax too much during the set – tension is what you need to generate muscle growth so stay focused

Dumbbell Spider Curls

Dumbbell Spider Curls work in a slightly different way to the barbell version, again you’ll be using your lower arm and biceps muscles but this time with dumbbells.

Make sure that the dumbbells are at least 10 pounds (though it’s better with higher weight) so you can start doing this exercise correctly.

Straight Bar Spider Curls

An alternative variation to the Spider Curl is the Straight Bar Spider Curl. This uses a straight bar and works in much the same way as a standard biceps curl. Instead of curling your arm you do so with just the lower part of your arm and hands.

You’ll need to place your feet wider apart than what would naturally be comfortable (approx. 12 inches) and support yourself by putting some weight onto your heels while leaning slightly backwards for balance.

Spider Curls VS Preacher Curls.

Spider Curls and Preacher Curls are both biceps focused movements. They allow you to isolate the muscles as much as possible.

Which is better?

Both exercises really work your biceps. Which muscle group gets hit most will depend on how straight you keep your arms at all times.

Spider Curls would likely hit the lower section of the arm compared with a preacher curl. Having your palms facing upwards allows for a stronger contraction throughout the top of your arms.

Spider Curls Alternative

When your arms are completely fatigued it’s time to call it a day. If you still want to get in some form of biceps work, choose close grip bench press or preacher curls.

Close Grip Bench Press will hit the center of your arm while working more muscles than Spider Curls.

The Preacher Curl is great for hitting your upper arm and can be done using a barbell or dumbbells. If you’re looking for something quick and simple, then go with the Preacher Curl.

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