Glute Ham Raise: Is This the Best Exercise to Build Hamstrings?

glute ham raise

The glute ham raise is a core bodybuilding exercise used to strengthen the lower back and hamstrings (back of the upper leg).

It will begin to target these muscle groups once you can complete at least one full range of motion repetition.

This hamstring strengthening exercise begins with your legs bent behind you and continues by keeping them in this same position while using your arms and shoulders to pull yourself up until your torso becomes upright.

After reaching this point, slowly allow yourself to drop down into the starting position- allowing for a full stretch before performing another repetition.

Glute Ham Raise Muscles Worked

The glute hamstring raise is a great exercise for your hamstrings- these are the muscles that run along the back of the upper leg. It will also work your lower back muscles.

Glute Ham Raise Benefit

The glute hamstring raise is one of the best exercises for strengthening and toning your hamstrings. You can also use it as a warmup exercise, or you can add weight to increase resistance.

How to do Glute Ham Raise

The glute ham raise is a gym exercise that can be done using a GHR machine or on an exercise mat.

For the GHR machine, place your ankles between the padded bars and drape yourself over them as if you were to perform a stiff legged deadlift.

Instead of bending forwards as you would during a stiff legged deadlift, however, make sure to keep your back flat.

This means at all times there should be a straight line from your shoulders to your knees- never let this arch or curve!

To begin the glute hamstring raise, use your arms and shoulder muscles to pull yourself into an upright position.

With both feet still in contact with the ground and using only your bodyweight- so no added resistance.

Once upright, slowly allow yourself to drop back down into the starting position- by doing this you are allowing for a full stretch before performing another repetition.

Using an Exercise Mat Instead of a GHR Machine

You will need an exercise mat, flat bench and ankle weight or weighted vest. This is usually used with bodyweight at first but eventually it can be done by adding weight once you have mastered the exercise movement.

Begin by lying face up on your mat with your legs pointing upwards toward the ceiling and hands firmly planted either side of your head.

Bend both knees so that your feet are flat on top of the mat in line with your shins and lower calves (this helps to keep a straight line from shoulders to knees).

Next, use your hands to support yourself as you raise both feet and bent legs off the mat until your shins are parallel with the floor.

Your back should be pressed firmly into the surface of the mat during this movement to ensure there is no room for it to arch which can cause lower back pain later on.

To begin with, flex at your ankles so that just your toes are touching the ground before using strictly your leg muscles (don’t rely too much on arm movements) to lift your feet even higher toward the ceiling.

Once you have reached this point, slowly allow yourself to drop down by bending at both knees and lowering yourself back onto the mat surface. Repeat as necessary.

Glute Ham Raise Set & Rep Recommendations

This hamstring strengthening exercise should initially be performed using 3 sets of 10 reps before increasing the number of sets and lowering the number of repetitions per set once your strength has increased.

A good rule of thumb would be 5 sets of 5 reps at first, however more experienced gym goers may increase the amount further- doing as many as 8 sets of 8 reps for example.

Glute Ham Raise Alternative

Doing this movement from an exercise mat can be easier if you find the traditional way is too difficult. You can eventually progress to using the GHR machine.

More advanced lifters may want to try utilizing ankle weights or even a weighted vest.

Many beginning weightlifters tend to perform this glute ham raise exercise incorrectly, but it is extremely important to perform this exercise correctly if you want to avoid injury.

Lifting too high off the ground can cause lower back pain and other injuries that will prevent you from weightlifting again for quite some time.

Make sure during hamstring workouts your hips are not lifter higher than the average chair. This will help avoid potential problems and injuries.

It might help to imagine someone sitting on your thighs during this exercise, as this will keep your hips low enough so that you can safely perform the movement without injuring yourself.

If you want to achieve the best results possible while avoiding injuries, it is important that you perform each repetition of the glute ham raise workout slowly with good form.

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