Cable Tricep Extension: Stop Making These Mistakes if You Want Bigger Triceps

Cable Tricep Extension

The cable tricep extension has long been a staple exercise in weight rooms everywhere. It is commonly known that the cable tricep extension.

If done properly and with appropriate weight, can help develop size and strength in the triceps muscles which can lead to bigger bench presses and better-looking arms.

Cable Tricep Extension Muscles Worked

The cable triceps extension works by targeting the triceps muscles of the upper arm. The three heads of the triceps [1], which include the lateral head, long head and medial head all work to extend the elbow joint which is what this exercise focuses on. If done with proper form and an appropriate weight, it can be very beneficial to your triceps.


The cable tricep extension is one of the most common exercises done in the weight room. There are many benefits to this movement.

The first is it allows for constant tension on the triceps which, as any bodybuilder knows, can lead to increased size and strength.

Also, since you are able to adjust the amount of weight that you use, this exercise can be a good way to overload the triceps and make them better.

In addition to these benefits, another advantage of this movement is that it helps you increase overall strength in your arms.

As your overall strength increases from doing cable triceps extensions on a regular basis, you’ll find that you are able to lift more weight on other exercises such as the Bench Press and Incline Bench Press.


As with any exercise, there are a few disadvantages to cable triceps extensions which you should be aware of before doing them.

The first is that it can be easy to cheat, especially if you’re going heavy. Also, it could be hard on your elbows if you go too heavy.

Since this exercise focuses on elbow extension, putting a lot of weight on them can lead to injury and irritation.

How to do Cable Tricep Extension

The cable triceps extension is actually a pretty easy movement. To do this exercise, all you’ll need is an adjustable cable machine and a rope handle attached to the cable.

Standing upright with the weight set at shoulder height, grab the rope handle in each hand. Keeping your elbows fixed to your side, extend them outward until they are straight. Hold for a second and repeat.

It should be noted that this exercise can also be done lying on a bench with free weights or seated on an adjustable bench with dumbbells in each hand.

However, doing it while standing is the preferred method because it allows you to use more resistance.

Remember that the cable tricep extension will likely feel awkward at first, but like all exercises, it will get easier with time and practice.

Also, if you’re looking to increase overall strength in your arms, this exercise can be a great way to do it.

Cable Tricep Extension Variations

Standing Cable Tricep Extension

As stated before, the cable tricep extension can be done while standing with a rope handle attached to an adjustable cable machine.

However, if those aren’t available for use, you can also do this exercise by holding free-weights in each hand and extending them out as described above.

Cable Tricep Overhead Extension

You can make the cable tricep extension more challenging by adding an overhead press at the top of each rep.

To do this, raise your hands above your head and extend them straight up. Repeat as usual.

Triceps Rope Pull-Downs

You can also switch things up by doing rope pulldowns with a rope attached to a cable machine. Doing this will work the triceps in a way similar to doing standing cable triceps extensions.

cable tricep extension Single Arm

You can make this exercise even more difficult by doing it with only one arm at a time. Do an equal number of reps on each side and it will work your triceps like never before!

Cable Triceps Extension vs Pushdown

Since both the cable tricep extension and Pushdown work your triceps, a question that often comes up is how do they differ from each other?

The answer to this question is that the two mass building movements are similar but not quite identical.

The main difference between these two exercises is that with pushdowns you’ll be pulling the weight down and with extension you’ll be pushing it up.

Another difference is that pushdowns will often allow you to use a greater amount of weight than tricep extensions.

Many people disagree on where the cable tricep extension ranks among other mass building movements such as Skull Crushers and Overhead Tricep Extensions. However, most agree that it is a great compound exercise which can effectively work your triceps.

Cable Tricep Extension vs Bench Dips

Bench Dips are another effective way to build up your triceps, and many wonder how they compare with Cable Tricep Extensions.

In some ways, the two movements are similar as they both focus on elbow extension. However, bench dips are usually done with your body sitting on a bench or chair.


In addition to tricep pushdowns and bench dips, other movements similar to Cable Tricep Extensions include Lying Triceps Extensions and Overhead Triceps Extensions.

In fact, it’s possible to put together your own workout routine by choosing a couple different variations of this exercise.

For example, you could do one variation for 3-5 sets of eight reps and another variation for 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps.

Doing this will ensure that you’re working your muscles from many different angles and with a variety of resistance levels.

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