Scissor Kicks: Amazing Exercise to Work Your Core, Glutes, and Quads

Scissor Kicks

Scissor Kicks exercise is one of the best quadriceps exercises that have powerful benefits for your glutes, hamstrings and hips.

It is one of the best ways to get a slimmer waistline while being fit at all times because this exercise works on your abdominal muscles too.

The Scissor Kicks Exercise should be performed in sets of three reps each with a brief rest between sets. Aim for 6-12 sets total, depending on your fitness level.

The exercise is very simple to perform if you are looking to achieve toned legs and flat abs fast. Be sure that you keep ample amount of water near you before starting out any workout session especially when you are performing the exercises.

Scissor Kicks Muscles Worked?

Scissor Kicks works your Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus , Abdominal muscles and Hamstrings.

Perform this exercise with correct form to effectively engage all of these muscle groups simultaneously. That’s how it is extremely efficient in losing weight fast!

Benefit your General Health

Scissor Kicks have many health benefits such as:

– Strengthens and tones your muscles.

– Increases metabolism, which will help you lose weight fast.

– Burns calories by enhancing the body’s ability to use oxygen efficiently.

– Helps relieve back pain and stress on lower back.

– Alleviates arthritis and leg stiffness in the morning after sleep.

How to do Scissor Kicks?

Follow these simple steps to perform Scissor Kicks Exercise:

Position a mat on the floor and lie down on your back using a yoga mat for comfort. Extend your legs straight so that only the tips of your toes touch the floor.

Raise one leg up keeping it straight, bring your knee towards your chest as close as you can without straining yourself.

Ensure to keep the other leg extended straight all throughout this exercise session. Inhale deeply while doing this and exhale while bringing down your leg from top position to its initial starting point where toes were touching the floor earlier. When you bring up one leg, be sure that it is done in scissor movement.

Scissor Kick Alternatives

If you are looking to tone your thighs, lose weight fast and enhance your physical appearance in general then Scissor Kicks is the best exercise for you.

There are many other alternative exercises that can be performed instead of this one if you find it difficult to perform or do not like any specific form of workout. Here are some alternatives:



Side leg lifts (on each side)

Butterfly Pumps (Butt & Thighs Exercises)

Abdominal muscles can also be toned effectively with simple exercises such as crunches, reverse crunches, leg raises etc. Remember that no matter which workout session you choose to follow, proper warm up always help improve performance.

Scissor Kicks vs Flutter Kicks

Scissor Kicks and Flutter Kicks are two completely different and distinct exercises and therefore should not be compared with each other.

Flutter Kicks also works on your abdominal muscles, but it is a great way to perform cardio workout by elevating your heart rate gradually.

To conclude, Scissor Kicks Exercise offers complete body workout that will help you lose weight fast.

It tones all key muscle groups of the legs at the same time while strengthening your core simultaneously.

This exercise helps you develop toned legs without causing too much strain on the back or joints overall.

Keep water nearby before starting out any workout session to stay hydrated always! Keep these points in mind if you are looking to do scissor kicks.

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