How Many Eggs Per Day Can Someone Eat On Keto Diet?

how many eggs per day can someone eat on keto diet

How many eggs per day can someone eat on keto diet? Many people starting the keto diet are wondering how many eggs they can eat per day.

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as your daily calorie intake and how much fat you’re eating. In general,

it’s best to moderate your egg intake and make sure you’re incorporating a variety of other protein sources into your diet as well.

Eggs are a great source of nutrients, including high-quality protein and healthy fats, but overconsumption can easily knock you out of ketosis. So, what’s the right amount for you? Let’s take a closer look.

Keto Diet – What is So Special About It?

Keto diet has gained popularity, because of the good taste and high energy level. But is it really healthy and beneficial for the long run?

Is it doing much good to the human body?

If yes, then is the keto diet sustainable? We should ask these questions on keto diet as it is no less than a fad diet.

Many People Start on Ketogenic Diet

Keto diet is recommended for people who are too fat and are not able to lose their weight on usual fat-burning diets.

However, it is also called ketogenic diet. It consists of all the essential elements that help the human body to burn fat.

Consume more calories than you burn during the day-10,000 calories is one of the ways.

Health Benefits of Egg

Egg protein is widely known as one of the best foods to look after our muscle growth.

Calories in egg have the following nutrients:

  • 6 grams of fiber and 39 percent of the protein.
  • 32 grams of fat
  • 264 calories per egg

I have to say that eggs are a very convenient source of the required amino acid called “Tryptophan” which helps in our brain to grow in the growth hormone.

Eggs also have lesser carbohydrates as compared to the other high carb foods like bread, white rice, potatoes and other sugary foods.

Egg also helps in the production of the hormone insulin. The fat in eggs also helps regulate blood pressure.

How Many Eggs Per Day Can Someone Eat on Keto Diet?

Many argue that all eggs are just high fat. But, this is not true. Compared to other types of fat like olive oil, grapeseed oil and even avocado, the egg fat is relatively low in fat in both the egg white and the yolk.

In fact, a recent study done by researchers at the University of Toronto has also proved that eggs are the least calorie dense of all food.

The study revealed that eggs contain less than half a kilogram of fat, in comparison to high calorie foods such as beef, and less than half the fat than most nuts.

In fact, in egg products such as yolk, the amount of fat is more than all the other nutrients combined.

There is very little protein present in the yolk in comparison to the white. So, egg yolk is an excellent source of healthy fats.

Alternative Sources for Eggs to Eat on a Keto Diet?

Nowadays, there are several effective and delicious alternatives to eggs that can be taken as a source of fat in your keto diet. Let us discuss each one of them.


With about 6 grams of protein each, eggs are a great source of this important nutrient.

However, there are lots of other foods that offer just as much protein if not more.

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, is one such food that provides nearly 8 grams of protein per 1/2 cup.

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