Cable Shoulder Workouts – 8 Amazing Exercises to Get Bigger Stronger Shoulders

cable shoulder workouts

In this post, we’ll outline some of the best cable shoulder workouts that will help you build strong, sculpted shoulders.

If you’re like most bodybuilders, you probably spend a lot of time working your chest and arms.

But what about your shoulders? neglecting your shoulder muscles can lead to imbalances and injuries.

Single-Arm Lateral Raises

This is a popular cable shoulder workout that get amazing results for sculpting chiseled delts.

Start by lying on the cable bench with your back flat. Raise one arm slowly, letting your elbow flex all the way, and then slowly lower it down to the mat. Repeat for 10 reps on each side.

Two-Arm Lateral Raises

The second exercise is the same as the first, but the barbell should be closer to your body this time.

Raise one arm slowly, letting your elbow flex all the way, and then slowly lower it down to the mat. Repeat for 10 reps on each side.

Cable Alternating Raises

You can perform either the cable or the two-arm lateral raises in this variation.

Raise one arm slowly, letting your elbow flex all the way, and then slowly lower it down to the mat, switching hands halfway through the set.

Anterior Raises

These are one of my favorite cable shoulder workouts for the upper body. While the barbell biceps curl is great for some people, for others, this is a more effective exercise.

The central pattern is a knee bend, which is different than the one employed with the barbell curl.

This does a little more work to bring the shoulder blades back. It’s also a more isolated movement, unlike a bicep curl, which puts the work on both sides of your upper body.

Directions: Start in a straight-arm press grip, with your hands as wide as they will go.

Put one foot in the cable cuff. From here, you’ll need to do one reps of a steep knee bend, with your knee bent, with your opposite arm engaged and your head and chest down.

Bent-Over Rear Delt Flyes

The rear delt flyes exercise is the basis of every cable shoulder workout, because it is the easiest and most effective shoulder exercise there is.

It doesn’t take long to do, and its high intensity moves make it one of the best exercises to strengthen your shoulder muscles, especially if you’re a beginner to lower body resistance training.

Lateral Front Raises

If you’re not sure what to do with your lats, try the lateral front raise, which is perfect for shoulders and upper back training.

This is also a great exercise for those who want to avoid knee and back injuries, as this move works on your whole body.

Seated Back Raises

The seated back raises are one of the best ways to build your back and lats. They also work your shoulders and upper back muscles in a very effective way.

Leaning Single-Arm Lateral Raises

Start your day off right with a lateral raise using cables. Lateral raises are a great exercise to use before a cardio session.

Stand facing a row of cables. Put your hands on the cable handles and slowly raise one arm straight up toward the ceiling.

Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower your arm toward the floor. Repeat this movement 3 times.

As you build up the reps, you can start keeping your arms out to the side instead of straight out to the side.

In Conclusion

cable shoulder workouts are a great way to add variety and challenge to your shoulder routine.

They can help you achieve the results you’re looking for, whether you’re trying to build muscle, improve strength, or lose weight.

So give them a try and see for yourself how effective they can be!

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