Cable Kickbacks: Amazing Twist On an old Favorite

cable kickbacks

Cable kickbacks are a great way to target your glutes and get them working hard.

Plus, it’s simple enough that anyone can do it! This move is pretty simple – all you need is a cable machine and a little space.

Are Cable kickbacks Good for Glutes?

As I mentioned, kickbacks help to strengthen your glutes. This combination of exercises will challenge your glutes because you are essentially using a rotating leg lift with multiple rotations (i.e., glute kickbacks and glute bridge).

However, not all kickbacks are created equal. One important factor to keep in mind is that a perfect kickback requires equal rotations in both legs to engage the quads, and the glutes.

In the topography example above, I have balanced the motion of my knee and my ankle.

This implies that my knee and my ankle were going to rotate in the same direction.

In the case of the cable glute kickback exercise, this implies that the ankle is going to rotate in the same direction as my knee, since my knee is at an angle.

What Muscle Do Cable Kickbacks Work?

  • Ankle attachment
  • Glute abductor
  • Gluteus medius
  • Gluteus minimus
  • Squat
  • Weighted curl
  • Weighted bench press
  • Tricep extension

The above is a great selection of exercises to get you in the best shape. Here’s how to use it effectively:

The Glute Kickback

The glute kickback will get your legs and butt really tight. Pulling on the cable at an ankle joint angle (90 degrees) will put added pressure on your body and target the inside of your glutes.


When a dynamic exercise like the cable kickback is used to target your glutes, it will help keep your hips from rounding forward and a straight line from your lower back to your tailbone is achieved.

As we have seen, there are numerous variations of the workout you can employ at home.

For instance, the cross-body scissor hold is great to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your core, shoulders, and arms simultaneously.

What Can I Do Instead of Cable Kickbacks?

The following lower body exercises are also great for glute activation. These include:

  • Squats
  • Tricep dips
  • Deadlifts
  • Horizontal oblique raises
  • Front squats

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