Band Pull Aparts Mastery to Sculpt Amazing Shoulders and Back

Band Pull Aparts

Band pull aparts is a great exercise to work the muscles in your back called “rhomboids.” These are often underdeveloped, small muscles that will enhance your overall look.

They’ll help you achieve that V-taper appearance. You can do these with either a cable machine or dumbbells.

Band Pull Aparts Muscles Worked

Primary: Rhomboids

Secondary: Traps, Posterior Deltoid, Biceps Brachii


-Enhance V-taper appearance

-Develop those small, often ignored, back muscles that give your back and shoulders a more complete look

How to perform Band Pull Aparts

Take a set of dumbbells or one end of the band into each hand. Pull your hands apart either in front of you at shoulder level, or higher up towards your collar bone.

Keep your arms slightly bent when pulling with bands for better range of motion and control. Perform 2-5 sets of 12-20 reps depending on strength level.


-Keep your back flat and straight (no rounding) throughout the exercise to take stress off of your lower back.

-Do not let your shoulders shrug up – this takes stress off of the rear deltoid and puts it more on the traps, which you already worked during deadlifts.

Overhead Band Pull Aparts Muscles Worked

Primary: Rhomboids

Secondary: Posterior Deltoid, Traps, Biceps Brachii

Benefits of the Overhead Variation

-This variation allows you to target the posterior deltoids and upper back a bit more than the standard band pull apart.

How to perform Overhead Band Pull Aparts

Take a band into each hand at about shoulder height. Your hands should be far enough apart that it is slightly uncomfortable, but not too bad.

From here you’re going to pull your arms up and out overhead towards the ceiling. Think of this as if you’re trying to touch the ceiling with your elbows as they go overhead.

Out of all of the band exercises, this one will work your posterior deltoids the best. Perform 2-5 sets of 12-20 reps depending on strength level.


-Keep your back flat and straight (no rounding) throughout the exercise to take stress off of your lower back.

Band Pull Aparts Alternatives

-Lat Pull Down: Much easier to control in terms of weight and tension, but not as effective.

-Dumbbell Rows: A great back exercise that also targets the rhomboid muscles.

-Barbell Rows: Even better than dumbbells because the bar holds onto the plates when you set it down making for easier post-workout clean up.

-Barbell Shrugs: An exercise that’s often used as a trap workout but will also hit the upper back and shoulders just as hard.

-Pull Ups: A great bodyweight exercise that targets your lats, rear deltoids, and every other muscle in your back and arms.

Band Pull Aparts Alternative with Dumbbells

Muscles Worked

Primary: Rhomboids, Posterior Deltoid, Traps, Biceps Brachii

Dumbbell Band Pull Aparts Benefits

-This version should hit the same muscles as the previous variations. Because you can’t get as much weight behind them you may not be able to lift as heavy, but you could still get a great workout.

How to Perform with Dumbbells

Take a dumbbell in each hand, bend over about 40-degrees at the waist, and allow your arms to hang.

You should then pull your hands apart towards your shoulders while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Perform 2-5 sets of 12-20 reps depending on strength level.

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