Lat Pullover: Complete How To, Muscles Worked, Alternatives, And More

Lat Pullover

Lat pullover exercise, do it right and you’ll hit the front and back of your upper body in one punch. Do it wrong and well, just don’t do it at all. This is dangerous for both you and your shoulders!

Lat Pullover Muscles Worked

Rhomboids, upper and lower trapezius, latissimus dorsi. Also works some core stabilizing muscles. Aids in developing a V-shape upper body when done correctly.

Disadvantages: Shoulder injury risk if not done properly or with too much weight/too heavy of a weight for your strength.

Lat Pullover Benefits

Strengthens upper back and shoulders. Aids in developing a V-shape upper body. Can help with shoulder rehabilitation.

How to do Lat Pullover

1.Lie with your back on a flat bench, with your feet flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart. Grasp the bar which is about 6 inches wider than shoulder-width and slowly pull it down to you until you feel a stretch in your lats and upper chest (with elbows out, not up.)

If you can’t pull the bar down to your upper chest area, you are using too much weight. If your elbows come up to shoulder level or higher, you are using too little weight.

2. Once in the stretched position with a controlled motion, slowly lower back to starting position while maintaining tension on the lats and shoulder muscles at all times.

3. Perform the movement for 8-12 reps, then perform another back exercise such as bent-over rows and barbell shrugs immediately afterwards to work the upper back and shoulders again.

4. Lat pullovers can also be performed on a low cable machine using a rope handle if you do not have access to a lat machine or free weight bar.

5. Keep your feet flat on the floor, not crossed or propped up on a bench.

6. Do not arch your back or swing the weight to gain momentum; keep everything under control at all times with perfect form and posture (chest out, shoulders back.)

7. If you can’t do more than 5 reps without too much of a struggle, the weight is too heavy for you. If you can do more than 12 reps easily, the weight is too light for you.

8. Don’t let your abs sag towards the floor or stick out your butt to help with the range of motion – it will take tension off the targeted muscles and place it on your lower back and core.

Lat Pullover Form Tips:

1. If you’re struggling on the last couple (4-5) of reps, stop and rest a moment before continuing. You need to get enough strength and control in order to perform the movement safely and effectively without injuring your shoulders or cheating with bad form.

2. Breathe out on exertion – for example, when lowering the weight down to your chest area. This will help you maintain tension on the muscles throughout the set.

3. Keep your neck neutral – don’t turn or look up/down to either side, and focus straight ahead at all times.

4. If you want to target the upper portion of your lats, keep your elbows tucked in as you bring the weight down. If you want to target your lower lats, keep your elbows out as you bring the weight down.

Lat Pullover Variations

1. Front Lat Pullover = This is a front delt and upper chest exercise that can be performed unilaterally (one arm at a time) or bilaterally (both arms at the same time).

2. High-to-Low Cable Pullover = This is a great variation that changes up the regular pullover and keeps your core stable.

You can also use a rope handle to perform this exercise if you don’t have access to a low cable machine or need to work on building strength before using free weights.

Lat Pullover Dumbbell Variation

This is a great variation that builds strength in the movement, but still allows you to keep tension on the back muscles.

It also provides extra resistance at the top lockout position where most people struggle with regular pullovers.

1. As mentioned above, if the weight is too heavy for you to perform more than 8-12 reps without struggling, you are using too much weight.

2. If the weight is too easy for you to perform 8-12 reps, you are using too little weight.

3. If your back starts arching in order to move the dumbbells up and down or if your buttocks sticks out, this indicates that the weight is too heavy for you.

Lat Pullover Standing Cable Variation

This exercise is a great way to isolate the lats and keep tension on these muscles throughout the entire range of motion.

It’s also easier for people who are new to this movement – they won’t have to worry about balancing themselves or straining their neck since they can line up perfectly with the cable machine.

1. If your back starts arching in order to bring the weight down, you’re using too much weight.

2. If you aren’t able to fully stretch out at the bottom of the movement, try using less weight.

3. It’s not about how much weight you can put up – it’s how well you perform each rep with perfect form and full range of motion!

Lat Pullover at Home

1. If you don’t have access to any equipment, do bodyweight pullovers at home. It’s a great way to learn the movement and build strength over time.

2. You can also use bands – loop them under your feet or around your neck/back area in order to provide resistance for lat pullovers.

3. If you don’t have any equipment or bands available, try bodyweight pullovers on a Swiss ball or with some towels under your feet.

Lat Pullover Alternatives

1. Dumbbell pullover:  This is a great movement that works the same target muscle group (lats). You can also twist and turn your body as you lower the dumbbell down towards the floor – it will work different areas of the back, depending on how it’s performed.

2. Decline bench pullovers: A great way to make the regular pullover more challenging and target your upper lats. Start with dumbbells or a barbell, then progress towards using just your bodyweight as you get stronger and more experienced.

3. High-to-low cable machine: This movement is similar to the high-to-low lat pullover cable machine exercise, but it can be performed with just your bodyweight on some cable machines.

4. Behind-the-back barbell/dumbbell pullover: This is a great way to learn the movement and build strength in your lats. You can also twist and turn your body as you lower the weight down towards the floor.

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