Kettlebell Row: Amazing Upper Body Exercise to Fire Up Your Core

Kettlebell Row

Use the kettebell row if you want to step up your game and increase your kettlebell training. Many exercises are easy for beginners, but they won’t challenge you anymore.

It takes a bit more imagination and creativity to find challenging drills for an advanced lifter.

One of my favorite exercises, which will definitely challenge even the most experienced KB athletes, is the kettlebell row.

The kettlebell row works almost your entire body, while you are focusing on one particular movement pattern (rowing).

It requires strong grip and back muscles to support the weight at arm’s length while you maintain balance on one leg.

Kettlebell Row Muscles Worked

The Kettlebell row works primarily your lats, biceps and core muscles. Although there are many secondary working muscles such as back, triceps and even your glutes and hamstrings.

Kettlebell Row Benefits

The Kettlebell row is an excellent exercise to strengthen and tone your back muscles. It will also increase the power of all pushing and pulling exercises that you do with free weights or machines.

They will become more stable and stronger through this training. Last but not least the KB row trains your grip strength which is a great asset for a lot of exercises and sports.

How To Perform a Kettlebell Row

Place a kettlebell on the floor in front of you with your feet shoulder width apart. Pick up the KB with one hand and place it against your lower abdomen, while squeezing it tightly.

Lean back slightly by bending at the waist and knees until you feel your back muscles contract. Make sure your shoulders, hips and knees are in line and not moving backwards or forwards.

While contracting your lats and core muscles, pull the KB up towards your chest by bending at the elbow without shifting too much weight to one arm.

Ensure that you keep squeezing your glutes and abdominal muscles to support your lower back.

Pause for a second at the top of the movement before returning to the starting position.

You can do this exercise with both arms simultaneously and alternate hands on every rep. This is one of my favorite exercises, not only because it works almost your entire body, but also due to the fact that you can increase the weight by adding a barbell or a weight plate to a kettlebell. This requires a lot of focus and precision, which will really take your KB training to another level.

In case you have difficulty balancing on one leg, try placing your back foot up against a wall – this way it will not move which will make it easier to stay upright.

Kettlebell Row Variations

If you are looking for a variation, try the one arm deadlift version. This is an excellent KB exercise for anyone who wants to challenge their existing training and take it to the next level.

Use it with different weights on both arms simultaneously or alternating hands on every rep, but make sure that your form is spot on.

Kettlebell Row with Twist

Another version of the row is to perform it with a twist. This can be done by having your feet shoulder width apart and turning them 45 degrees outwards as you pull up on the KB.

I recommend performing this variation slowly as momentum will take over if you use too much weight or swing the bell back and forth.

Kettlebell Row to Press

The kettlebell row is an excellent transitional movement on your way to a One Arm Press. Start with the same starting position as you would on the one arm KB row and press the bell up towards the ceiling.

This move requires a lot of strength and stability as you cannot shift your weight like on some other exercises such as barbell.

Kettlebell Row Bent Over Row

The bent over row is a traditional bodybuilding and strength training exercise for your back muscles. It can be performed with free weights such as dumbbells, kettlebells or a barbell in addition to machines.

This exercise involves pulling weight towards you from a variety of angles. It primarily works the latissimus dorsi (lats), middle back muscles, biceps and the brachialis.

As you bend over, your lower back is immobilized by your own bodyweight which ensures that all the stress falls onto the lats and not on the lower back.

To perform this exercise with a kettlebell, place it in front of you while holding it with your feet shoulder width apart.

Lean forward and bend at the hips until your torso is parallel with the floor. Make sure to keep a slight arch in your back and contract your abs and glutes throughout this exercise.

Grab the KB using both hands and pull it towards yourself by engaging and squeezing your lats. At the top of the movement, pause for a brief moment which will ensure that you are pulling with maximum exertion.

Pause at the bottom of the movement as well before returning to the starting position by slowly relaxing your lats and letting go of the KB.

You can do this exercise using one arm at a time alternating hands on every rep or both arms simultaneously.

Kettlebell Row Alternatives

Row Pistol Squat

To perform the row pistol squat, stand on one leg with the other lifted off the ground. Place your hands in front of you and slightly bend your knees.

Let the kettlebell hang down in between your legs while keeping your core tight and engaged throughout the movement.

Maintain balance by focusing on contracting your glutes and abs. Slowly pull the KB towards your chest while allowing your free leg to go out in front of you.

As you do this, bend over at the hips and lean forward slightly. With a slight pause at the bottom of this movement, return to the starting position by slowly extending your leg and relaxing your core.

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