Side Leg Raises for a Firmer Butt and Powerful Abs

Side Leg Raises

Side leg raises increase the strength of your hip muscles, which are essential for every type of movement.

This exercise can be performed in many different ways. The easiest way is to perform it on the floor with a straight body and legs stretched out to the side.

Which Muscles Are Worked?

The side leg raise primarily targets the gluteus medius, minimus and tensor fasciae latae (TFL). These muscles are known as abduction muscles.

Since they abduct or move your legs away from your midline, these are very important for stabilizing your pelvis during movements like running and walking.

The Benefits

The side leg raise exercise is generally recommend for people who have a pulled hamstring. It’s also a good lower ab workout for beginners since it targets smaller, less visible abdominal muscles.

How to do Side Leg Raises

Start by lying on your right side with your legs extended and your feet together. Place your head in the crook of your right arm.

Straighten your left leg, then raise it as high as you can without moving your pelvis or bending your knee.

Pause at the top, then lower it back down to the starting position. After performing reps on this side for 30 seconds, switch sides to complete one minute total.

Note: When doing this exercise on the floor, you can increase its intensity by placing your hands under your hips.

When doing it on an incline, don’t place them under your hips. Instead make sure to lean all the way back.

How Many Sets and Reps

On average you should aim for doing 3 sets of 20 reps each side. If you feel you are not getting a good enough burn, then increase the number of reps to suit your workout goals.


Incline with Fitness Ball

If it’s difficult to perform side leg raises on the floor, you can try them using a fitness ball. Lie down with both legs straight and place your calves and ankles on top of an exercise ball.

Straighten your arms at your sides. Exhale, tighten your abs and lift your hips toward the ceiling as you roll the ball away from your body. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower yourself back to start position.

Standing Side Leg Raises

If you have access to a sturdy chair, try standing next to it with your left side facing the back. Place your left foot close to the chair and hold onto the chair with both hands for support.

Exhale as you lift your right leg up as high as possible. Pause, then slowly lower it back to the starting position.


  • Make sure you keep your abs tight throughout this exercise. This will help stabilize your pelvis and protect your low back.
  • Be careful not to arch your back when doing side leg raises on the floor or an incline. Also don’t bend your knee too much when doing this exercise.
  • Start with smaller range of motion when you first start doing side leg raises. Gradually increase the amount of reps and range of motion over time.

Standing Side Leg Raises Benefits

Standing Side Leg Raises are an excellent alternative to the traditional floor variation. It’s easier on your neck, shoulders and lower back.

You can do it without any equipment. Better yet, you don’t even have to get off the floor.

Lying Side Leg Raises Benefits

Lying Side Leg Raises are an easy way to work your hip muscles. It’s an excellent beginner lower ab workout exercise because it doesn’t require the use of any equipment.

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