Lying Tricep Extension: How to, Benefits, Variations and More

lying tricep extension

Lying tricep extension is a strength training exercise that is used to tone and strengthen the triceps muscle.

The triceps muscle is located at the back of the upper arm. It’s often considered one of the most difficult muscle groups to attack.

The main function of the triceps is the extension of the elbow. This commonly occurs when an object is pushed away from the body.

Although this muscle is not excessively large in size, its composed of three “Heads.” Consider a smaller muscle, the triceps are quite strong.

In many cases, individuals have greater strength in the triceps than in the biceps or even in the shoulders.

Lying Tricep Extension Benefit

Tricep extensions are commonly used in the gym with both dumbbells and cables to help strengthen this muscle group.

There are many triceps exercises available. So, for some individuals this exercise may not be necessary.

Lying tricep extension is a compound exercise that involves many other muscles, including the core stabilizers.

These additional muscles contribute to the overall load put on the working muscle groups which further increases caloric burn during workouts.

The lying tricep extension can assist in weight loss goals by helping you lose fat mass while building lean muscle mass simultaneously.

How to do Lying Tricep Extension with a Dumbbell

1. Lie on a flat bench with your hands up in the air holding onto a dumbbell in each hand or a single dumbbell being held by both hands.

2. Your elbows should be bent and slightly above your head. Keep your upper arms stationary as you lower them to a 90-degree angle- this is the starting point of the exercise.

3. Extend your arms fully so that they are straight but not completely locked out at your elbows. This is also a full contraction of the triceps muscle group during this exercise.

4. Return to starting position by bending at your elbows and bringing them back up to their resting point just above shoulder height.

Which is again at a 90-degree angle from shoulders to upper arm.

Repeat for reps according to your fitness level.

Lying Tricep Extension Behind Head

Be extra cautious when performing lying tricep extensions behind your head. In this version, you will move the dumbbell from a position which is by your side and up to behind your head with one arm at a time.

This move really puts the triceps under pressure. Be sure to take it slowly and always controlling the momentum when you bring the dumbbell back down again.

The Lying Tricep Extension behind head is an excellent variation on this exercise which will help engage the triceps more.

Ensure you have a sturdy bench available before attempting this version of lying tricep extension. If your bench is wobbly or unstable – you risk injuring yourself.

In addition, avoid at all costs using an exercise ball instead of a bench while doing lying tricep extensions. Doing so may result in injury due to loss of balance and lack of support for the back.

Lying Tricep Extension Alternative

There are a number of variations available If you are unable to perform the lying tricep extension due to injury or other reasons.

These include:

Lying Tricep Extension with Feet on Bench – This is a good variation for those who suffer from lower back pain as it allows you to keep your back flat against a bench while performing the exercise.

Standing Tricep Extensions – Standing tricep extensions target the overall triceps muscle group intensely and can be performed using either dumbbells or cables attached to a stable machine.

Cable Overhead Tricep Extensions – Cable overhead tricep extensions work well if you don’t have access to standing machines but will not allow you to target the muscle quite as much as the standing version.

These are just a few of the different tricep exercises available to you. Feel free to give them all a go before deciding whether or not lying tricep extensions are right for you.

Lying Tricep Extension vs Skull crushers

Although many people use lying tricep extensions interchangeably with skull crushers, they are actually two completely different exercises.

Lying tricep extension works the whole of your triceps muscle while skull crushers work on your forearms and long head of your triceps.

You may find that one or the other is more effective for you, so it is recommended to include both in each workout session to get maximum gains from these types of movements.

Lying Tricep Extension vs Dips

Dips are another great tricep-targeting exercise which does not require any equipment at all.

However, this is a bodyweight exercise so it may be more difficult to perform if you have an injury or cannot lift your own body weight for whatever reason.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether lying tricep extension is better than dips can only really be answered by your personal fitness level and capability.

If you feel that you are up for the challenge, then try both exercises in your next workout session and see how they compare for yourself!


As with any exercise, good form is essential to avoid injury and ensure you get the most out of your workout. Here are some tips to keep in mind when performing lying tricep extensions:

1. Ensure that your elbow remains stationary throughout the movement as otherwise you will not be isolating the triceps. Instead, you’ll be working your shoulders and chest muscles too.

2. Always start with a weight that is manageable for you. Gradually increase it over time if necessary.

Do not perform this type of tricep extension on a swiss ball as this may lead to loss of balance and injury.

3. Allow your upper arm to drop down toward your hip before pushing back up again. Don’t let them drop right down toward the floor without control.

By following these simple guidelines, you should be able to experience safe and effective results from lying triceps extension.

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