Frog Pumps: Amazing Workout to Shape Your Hips and Butt

frog pumps

Frog pumps, of all the activities you may do in addition to your exercises, is perhaps the most bizarre looking exercise you’ll do.

You’re not only thrusting your hips in the air, but your legs are spread-eagled, making it more like a gynecological visit rather than a fitness center.

However, according to experts, despite everything, it’s well worth learning the frog pump exercise.

What Are Frog Pumps?

A frog pump is a move that forces your knees to bend and return to the start position without lowering the body.

A good exercise will send a load through your glutes and keep your hips on the ground, allowing for an amazing glute exercise.

What Are the Benefits?

Frog pumps are ideal for targeting the glute muscles and are ideal for building and shaping the butt.

They are more challenging than regular glute bridge exercises, and a few reps here and there may prove to be uncomfortable, but you’ll get better and better at it, and soon your glutes will start to explode and show!

Although it’s not the most difficult move, frog pumps can still have a big impact on the glute muscles.

You will be able to boost overall glute strength after you begin to do this exercise on a regular basis.

You don’t need to feel like you are working hard when doing frog pumps.

How to Do Frog Pumps

For an effective and full glute activation, tie a band to the ends of the resistance bands.

It is not necessary that you perform the exercise with a band, but it helps add more resistance for a better burn. 

Place one band between the legs and position your feet in a bridge position.

Now, flex one leg backward. Slowly extend the leg. Continue in the same manner until you have reached the maximum extension.

If you can hold that position for a minimum of 30 seconds, that’s great. If not, start with 10 seconds and work your way up.

If you still cannot do the full range of motion, you can alternate leg positions, but slowly and gradually. Continue in this manner for 10 minutes or so.

To stretch out your thighs, turn your leg inward, but don’t lock your leg. This will engage your core and relax the thighs.

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