How to Do a Plank Twist: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Plank Twist

Start your day with the plank twist exercise to get an amazing stretch and core workout. After a long night of sleep, you’re ready for some exercise. But what do you do when you don’t have time to go to the gym?

What do you do when you don’t have time to read an article on fitness? Well, we have the answer for you!

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll show you how to do a plank twist. This simple exercise is perfect for getting your day started off right and strengthening your body from head to toe.

What is the Plank Twist?

The plank twist is a great way to build strength, coordination and balance. It’s an excellent exercise for the core muscles, which plays a key role in maintaining proper posture, balance and posture.

The plank twist also strengthens your core muscles by increasing the weight you place on your heels. This increases the amount of pressure exerted on your legs, which helps strengthen them while moving.

For a beginner, this is a perfect exercise to do as part of your warm-up routine!

How to Perfect Your Technique

We’re going to start by performing a plank, or “stiff-legged” as it’s sometimes referred to in the gym. You can do this exercise from a chair or the ground.

But it’s best if you use both hands so that your body is positioned correctly. It will help strengthen your core muscles, not to mention you’ll look super cool doing it!

Place your hands behind your head and push off with one foot (the front leg). This time, make sure that you maintain a neutral spine (as if you were on a bench) as you extend out your spine toward the ceiling. Hold this position for 30-seconds.

In order to perform this pose, you need to focus on being aware of all of your body parts at once. Pay attention to how each muscle group works together as part of this exercise.

You also want to pay attention to any tension that might be in the muscles as well. If there’s some tension in them, then they won’t support properly for long periods of time when performing this exercise.

Get Maximum Benefits

Plank twists are a great exercise for strengthening your core muscles. You can do the plank twist at any time of day, but it’s especially important to do it right before you go to bed.

This is because these movements will not only help strengthen your core muscles, they’ll also help you sleep better!

The benefits of doing the plank twist include:

Feel good and feel fit in one simple movement that takes just 30 seconds to complete.

Improve posture and prevent back pain with a simple exercise that takes 30 seconds or less to complete. Just imagine how long your back would be sore if you didn’t start your day off with this exercise.

Tips for Perfecting the Plank Twist

1st – Position your body in a plank position with your feet hip-width apart.

2nd – Begin shifting your weight to one side.

3rd – Rotate your body from side to side until you feel the stretch.

4th – Repeat for five minutes twice a day, or until you can do it for 10 – 15 minutes uninterrupted.

Once you’ve mastered this beginner’s guide, try doing some straight plank twists (shown below) as well!

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